K8055: "Fatal Error: Unable to open file: 'Vcl.bpi'"

I use the C++ Borland Builder 5.0, Win Xp and the files from the download-site. Now I tried to compile the files (Unit1.cpp, Unit1.h and K8055_Demo.cpp) and then I get the message:

“Cannot open the Package-import: vcl.bpi, rtl.bpi, dbrtl.bpi,…
Please select the path…”


“[Linker Fataler Error] Fatal: Unable to open file VCL.BPI”

What can I do? What am I doing wrong?

Please see these threads for a solution:

Thank you for your answer,

now it works! :smiley:

I cleared the “PACKAGES” and “SPARELIBS” value and add the K8055d.lib to the project.

Thanks a lot…