I am working on an Excel project using the K8055 USB Experiment Interface Board. My understanding of the device and of Visual Basic, however, is quite limited and so any help that could be offered would be greatly appreciated.
The kit has been assembled and I am able to successfully run the demo software provided.
What I require is very simple functionality, whereby the Excel spreadsheet will receive data being provided by an analogue input device.
The device will offer new data approximately once a minute and all I require is for this data to be listed in order of receipt. The data will take the form of a single number ranging from 0 to 100000 or more.
Is anybody able to provide me with a basic example to get me started?
Many thanks.
Please see this thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4426&start=0
There is a link to download an Excel spreadsheet application who reads the analog inputs once a minute and displays the results on the sheet.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I’ll look into this solution.
The software provided is very similar to what I need and, with some adjustments, could be perfect.
I am unable to get the spreadsheet to receive the data, however. The card is connected, but the device only returns a 0. Do you have any ideas as to why this might be?
I know that the interface is set up correctly because it has been used successfully with the same device for another project. Unfortunately, I do not have access to that software or to the person who created it!
[quote]I am unable to get the spreadsheet to receive the data, however.[/quote]You may try to test the K8055 card operation with Excel by following:
- Download the package “K8055N software pack” from this website: velleman.eu/support/download … 055n&type=
- Extract the package.
- In the folder \Examples\K8055NDemoExcel there is K8055DemoExcel.xls
- Open it in Excel
- Click the “Open and Run” button
- Text “Card 0 Connected” should appear
- Analog input values are shown in cells B2 and B3
- Digital output value is incremented
This indicates that the connection between Excel and K8055(N) is working properly.