K8055 easy prog int face greyed out

I,m a new member and currently using the latest version of edutechsoft on my K8055 but the screen is greyed out underneath ‘Actions’ This means I can,t edit this section.
I,m running XP sp3 home edition. Any one experienced this? If so is there a solution?
:confused: thanks in advance of any reply

Hello number70_0.

I have just downloaded the program and installed it on a windows 7 32 bit’s system. When it’s given administrator rights, it works like it should.
Just done the same on a windows XP professional SP3 computer. No problems at all.

Do you mean that the edit command buttons are disabled? So the Edit buttons are not as shown below?

You can mail me a screendump, so I can try to find out what’s wrong.


The screendump was mailed to me. For those reading this topic I have placed it here.

I had no idea what caused the problem, but it is clearly a problem.
First thoughts are about the background image. So delete this image and see if the problem is solved.
So this morning I dived in the code. Hmm some strange behaviour while testing.
In the code I used variants with the name Left and Top. Although it should work, sometimes the form uses it for a new position although I did not tell him to do so.
Ok so I changed these in the Dutch names Links and Boven. It’s possible this caused the problem on some computers, but it works fine on all the computers I use. :frowning:

So I have changed 2 things in the code. To make it easy to test I have compiled a new .exe that you can download and place in the directory where EasyProgIntFace.exe is installed.


Start EasyProgIntFace NoBgnd.exe and see if things are better now. (The scroll wheel is also disabled.)

Let me know if it does or does not work for you.


hi, HOB
I ran the new prog and everything appears fine.
I carried out a simple routine on the board and it worked ok

Nice to know that it works as it should.

On my website the update is available with the original backgroundimage and enabled support for the wheelmouse.
I hope that the problem does not return by doing so.
