K8055: driver to control 40V AC circuit

I want to use the digital outputs of my K8055 to control three circuits with 40V AC, as well as three other circuits with 12V AC. I am aware that I have to develop relatively complex circuits for that, and am willing to learn how to do so, but I need a point where to start.

How can I go about to do so? What would be the simplest way to proceed?

[quote=“hypnocil”]I want to use the digital outputs of my K8055 to control three circuits with 40V AC, as well as three other circuits with 12V AC. I am aware that I have to develop relatively complex circuits for that, and am willing to learn how to do so, but I need a point where to start.

How can I go about to do so? What would be the simplest way to proceed?[/quote]

Depends on what exactly those circuits are.

Slow latency on/off style stuff, that can be switched with a relay, is just that. You connect a relay via the well documented ways and be done with it. Since you said “digital outputs”, I presume that is what you are looking for.

If on the other hand you intend to map a PWM output signal onto an AC power source … that’s going to be a tad bit more difficult …


Hi Jan, thanks for your answer.

[quote=“MostlyHarmless”]Depends on what exactly those circuits are.

Slow latency on/off style stuff, that can be switched with a relay, is just that. You connect a relay via the well documented ways and be done with it. Since you said “digital outputs”, I presume that is what you are looking for.[/quote]

That’s precisely what I’m trying to do - funnily, I figured that would be the way to tackle the problem. However, when I went to my local electronics store and explained the problem, the guy at the counter told me that was an issue for a complex circuit which has to be developed first.

Can you point me into the direction of said good documentation?

Thanks a lot!

See this thread:



Great, very nice - just what I needed. Thanks a lot! I’ll be more thorough searching the existing topics before I post next time.