K8055.dll as a reference?

I am trying to controll the k8055 with a wiimote. I am not a highly skilled programmer and the only way I know how to do this is by adding dll’s to the reference tab. I can add the wiimote.lib with no problem, but the k8055.dll can not be added. I have downloaded the newest software from Velleman website. I have read that it does not need to be referenced in order to use it, but I’m not sure how to go about that.
I am using windows 7 64 bit OS, & Visual Studio 2010 C# I have all the example codes provided from the web site and the k8055.dll is coppied into the sysWOW64 folder.
If anyone could tell how I could manage referencing this that would be great. Or at least pointing me in a better direction for using a wiimote with the k8055.
Thank you in advance!

You can’t just use any random DLL with your wiimote. It has to be one that was specifically created to be a user interface for the wiimote. The K8055D.DLL is a simple library, that translates a few function calls into USB HID communication. There is no graphical user interface for Wii in there.

[quote=“MostlyHarmless”]You can’t just use any random DLL with your wiimote. It has to be one that was specifically created to be a user interface for the wiimote. The K8055D.DLL is a simple library, that translates a few function calls into USB HID communication. There is no graphical user interface for Wii in there.[/quote]Exactly

Your confusion:
The file k8055.dll is a Dynamic Link Library, not a .NET Assembly.

So you are saying a Wiimote can not be used with this?

Yes the Wiimote software has all that. All buttons & all tilt scales. I have used the Wiimote software with a phidget board. Everything from the phidget software was & Wiimote software was referenceable from download. I want to be able to use k8055 the same way as phidget.

Let’s clarify one thing first.

Is it that you want to write your own software in C# that communicates with both, the Wiimote and a K8055?

If that is the case, there is a K8055DemoVC#_2008 in the SDK. In there is a file Form1.cs that has the necessary DLL import directives in it. I would recommend putting those definitions into a .h file that you can then use in multiple projects. Your project then needs to link against the K8055D.DLL.

Yes that is what I wanted to do. Unfortunately I only knew one way to do that.

Sorry, that was a misunderstanding on my side then in the beginning.

Did you have a look at that Form1.cs file in the C# demo of the K8055 SDK? Is that making it clearer how to control the K8055?

I did look over that form. I do understand how it is controlled. I just don’t know how to use it in my new project. Everything I try I get an error message “DLL not found.” how could I make a library that I could reference. That way I could add both library’s to my own code?

If you post an example of the code your trying to use, perhaps I can see what’s wrong with it?

You mentioned that you are using Win 7 64 bit. I believe the original K8055D.DLL built with Delphi is a 32 bit DLL. A 64 bit application cannot use a 32 bit DLL and vice versa. So unless you really need 64 bits, make sure that your project is set to x86 (32 bit).

If I remember right, the .dll that came with my VM110 didn’t work with my win7 64bit computer, however downloading the v4 .dll from the velleman website (from the sdk) fixed the problem.
