Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have a question about the USB EXPERIMENT INTERFACE BOARD K8055.
With my teacher, I have talked about whether to use Visual Basic this interface also has a network control.
Since I have never yet been able to do, I am my question to you.
I hope you can help me.
Yours sincerely,
Yes, anything could be done.
But this is more of a question for a development forum rather than this.
As soon as you can handle working with the board locally, you need to start looking at TCP. If in VB6 you will want to look up and look at some tutorials on the Winsock control.
From here you can design your own protocol to send messages how you wish.
It is very easily, decent handling of the initial connection, disconnection and multiple connection handline. of TCP is the part you need to take care with. Granted multi winsock you probably wont need.
Once done properly, it will work with any IP access, which includes internet. 
There are loads of tutorials and examples around on the internet
Example - - should list some command parsing and multi connection handling.
Once I have finished my own coding framework for the P8055 I will be starting on TCP control but I dont have dedicated time so I am looking at 1-2 weeks before I start.