K8055 connecting to pololu 18V15 motor driver

Hi, I would like some assistance connecting a pololu 18V15 motor driver to a K8055.

I have connected a 5V power to the motor and the motor moves fine.
I then connected the 5V to the pololu board and the out A and ! Of the pololu board to the motor.

I am struggling to get the PWM and a digital signal from the K8055 to the Pololu connected.

Can you please provide assistance.


Please see this thread: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3839&start=15
There is connection diagram for Pololu 24V20.

Hi, Thanks for the link.

Is it necessary to have the 10k resistors. as the logic has a max voltage of 5.5v.

Yes, you have to use the 10k “pull-up” resistors for the PWM output and for the digital output of the K8055. These outputs are “open collector”.
For more info about the “open collector” please see: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7227