K8055 connected to Windows7-computer "error code 43"

Hello dear “knowers”,

I’m another one from Germany and also bought the K8055 as ready assembled card.
My task is now to get a correct connection between PC with Windows7-System and the K8055.
I already copied the .dll version 5 into C:\windows\sysWOW64 and restarted the computer serval times.
Whenever I connect the K8055-card, the computer shows some times later the message that the device can not installed right and will be disconnected.
In system-control area it is shown as USB device (so far correct), but as “Generic-USB-Hub with 8-Connectors” (???) “unknown device”. In the detailed description is written, the device was stopped, because it sent a error to computer - “error code 43”.
I tested this an that, also the demo software… but can (clearly) not find the “card with adress 00” if I try to connect with the software-button.
I was looking for a driver or any help in the FAQ’s here… even for Windows7 - but up to now without success.

What I have to do, that the K8055 is working right on my computer?

A solution may be to use an external USB HUB:
For more info please see: