K8055 Card not found

I assembled the card and started it up according to the manual.
Everything seems OK: Power LED is ON, LD8 lights on, then off and stays on.
However the PC (WIndows Vista) returns “Card not found” by connecting.
Same thing happens with different card adresses, and with another Windows XP PC.
What to do know?

Thanks for your help.

The flashes of the LED LD8 indicate that the CPU starts to run.
If LED LD8 stays on, it indicates that the USB enumeration process fails and the PC doesn’t detect the card.
This seems to be the case.

Please check all the components and all the soldering joints on the board.

In these threads there are similar cases and some solutions:

Thank you for your quick answer.
I thoroughfuly checked the components and lines with special attention to the lines of IC3, USB connector, frequency base. All lines seem ok and no short circuit detected. Following the threads you mentioned, I installed USBTrace which could not find any trace of K8055. Does the flashing of the LD8 realy confirm the start of the processor or is there a possibility of a failure there?
Thank you for your help.

Yes, the flashes indicate the microcontroller is running.
Maybe you have done all these tests according to the other threads:

  • Check the voltage on pin 14 of IC3. Should be about 3V.
  • Check that C6 and R35 are right value and soldering OK.
  • Check that the connections from pins 15 (D-) and 16 (D+) are OK to the USB connector.
  • Check that no short circuit between the signals D+ and D- and no short circuit from the signals to +5V or to GND at the USB connector.
  • Check or change the USB cable.

If all these tests are done and OK - it seems the microcontroller is defective.

I think you should check pin connection is correct to usb connector. Otherwise you can check with other usb cable. Sometimes it will create problem at installation time. And also you have to check compability. I think your usb version does not support it.

USB cable (1.1/2.0) or USB version (1.1/2.0) do not matter