I have a K8050 that is not responding to the K8049
On the receiver I have not mounted any address diode (=Address 1)
I have connected 12VDC to GND and VB. When powered up LED16 next to IR-receiver flashes 4 times (manual does not say why)
The K8049 seems to function normally, sending led is flashing when pushing the buttons and operating modes can be changed. However K8050 is not recponding to K8049. Not in mode 1 or mode 4
Any help mostly appreciated,
Make sure you did not make a mistake when selecting the address on the K8049. If you remove the batteries from the K8049, wait a while and re-insert them, the led will flash a number of times, hereby indicating the address.
Did you check the number of flashes on the transmitter when the batteries are inserted ?
Can you check if the signal from the IR receiver reaches the µ-controller on the receiver side.
If the problem persists, please return both kits for inspection.
If the transmitter flashes 4 times, it is in mode 4, which is not compatible with the K8050. Make sure to set it to mode 1…3 (see manual for how-to instructions).
Sorry, waste of posts from my side. I know address 4 is not compatible, but since receiver is flashing 4 times. I thought i’d give it a try. Receiver has no address diodes mounted, so Adress=1. Transmitter is in Mode 1.
On the transmitter led is flashing at every button push. On transmitter receiving led only flashed 4 times at power up and that’s it. How can I test if IR signal is received/transmitted?
On the transmitter I have no signal on pin 6 of the IC when pushing a switch. At pin seven I have signal and LED is flashing but at pin 6 I have nothing. Is that normal?
Thanks for the info. I have assembled K8046 with IR-LED to test transmitter, but same problem. So I assume now that transmitter is causing the problem. LED is flashing, but I’m not sure wether IR signal is transmitted. I there a way to test the IR signal?
Thanks a lot. Great method!
I found the problem. Stupid, I soldered the transistor the wrong way, since it is at the back of the pcb. Now I soldered it correctly. But still doesn’t work. Could it have damaged the IC. I had E and B switched.
No, because there is a series resistor.
Probably, there are still one or more assembly problems.
At this time, we suggest to return both kits for inspection/repair