K8048'1 no device id + verify failed

Bought the 8048’1 already built…

thought i’d get no problems if its soldered automatically :roll:
rs232 cable was with the kit


started with demo1.hex and the pic16F627-04 …
programming was unreliable… had to start programming 6 times until it worked completely, with no checking errors

after that, ran the demo… worked…

tried to reprogram with demo2…
no device id

didn’t work anymore even after 10 times of starting…


tried with PIC16F876A


worked… for now…

will report back when the next pic got killed…

–If it helps somebody:
using the PC-12V power supply… 12,2V (reverse current protect diode bridged because of 0,7V loss)

now got 10,2V at MCLR while at “program-state” where are the other 2volt gone…
… normally the pic would need ~13V for programming :roll:

hmm hmm hmmm

Try increasing the voltage at the input of the kit to 15VDC. We recommend a 12V non-regulated power adapter. These usually put out 15-16VDC.