
I have assembled the board and I am getting LEDs to flash as described: in RUN position: LD9 flashes, in PROG position LD9 flashes and LD8 stays on. However on one PC the message is:" K8048 not found on COM2", on another PC:“COM-Init-Error!”. Is there any way of checking, what is wrong?

are you using a convertor?
on wich port is the K8048 connected?

Hi timmie, I am using “straight” cable, converter did not work (I found it after I bought it…)

can you read dutch? if so, I have written an troublehootguide in dutch maby you find it handy

Could it be that youre COM2 is busy?

Youre K8048 has to be powered on before use.

I am experiencing the same problem.

The PIC Programmer says there are 8 COM ports to choose from, yet in physical terms I only have one external serial connector on the PC.

In PIC Programmer, COM port 1 and ports 3 to 8 say ‘Com-Init-Error!’ when I try to select them.

COM port 2 says ‘K8048 not found at COM2’ when I try to select it.

I do not have an internal modem and as far as I’m aware there are no other devices using any of the COM ports.

I have tried two different serial cables, both are straight through cables.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Please check the cable again, maybe some lines are crossed (null-modem cable).
An assembly error is also possible.

I am using COM2 with a new “straight” cable and the VM111 did work with demo1 a few days ago, but now I have problems similar to oDCo’s. “COM-Init error” on COMs 2,4,5,6,7,8 and “K8048 not found” on COMs 1,3.
I tried it on an older PC in work and got it to run demo1 and demo2, but now I get “Open Error propic2.ini” when I try to open any file.
I’m a bit lost!

Rejoice with me etc. The “Open error propic2.ini” message was because I was trying to open files in the programming package instead of the Notepad. As for the COM messages, I’m going to try deleting the lot and re-installing it with the programming board connected and powered up. Perhaps the PC needs to “learn” something about the board while the package is loading.

Rejoice again with me … I went to the HP support website which suggested uninstalling the ports in Safe Mode and re-starting the computer which re-installs the ports correctly. I tried this on my old Compaq LTE5400 and it worked after I set COM1 in the VM111 software. I’m going to try it on a HP Pavilion 424. Wish me luck.
This might solve other problems that seem to be cable or connector faults.

I tried uninstalling and re-installing the ports on my HP Pavilion 424, but it didn’t work. I still get the error message “COM-Init-Error”. HP Support has emailed me, but I’m having trouble reading it. I’ll let you know if there’s progress.

i had this problem in my computer. i’m not sure in this solution, but you can try:

  • put selector (SW5) in the central position (standby)
  • start Progpic2.exe and try write programm. you’ll get error: No pic on board…
  • put selector (SW5) in the lower position (prog) and try write programm again.