K8048 programming with USB-to-Serial adapter

Hi All,

I’ve been using the K8048 a lot and found out that it can be used with an USB-to-Serial adapter.
Only thing is that it should contain an Future Technology Devices International chip (FTDI).
lsusb result is:
Bus 003 Device 064: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC

It is slightly more expensive than the Prolific adapters but it works.

The program I am using now is PICPgm which can be downloaded at:


It even has the K8048 in its programmerlist.
It works in Windows and in Linux (under wine - of course with a softlink in the dosdevices directory).

It works very fast with an USB3 bus and the time delay factor set to “2”.

Hope this will help some people.
