K8048 programming problem (USB to Serial cable?)

I have the Vellman USB interface board K8055 and the Vellman 8048 PIC programmer. Is it possible to simulate a serial port through the USB interface Board and program PICs on the serial programmer board? If not, that’s ok. I will seek out a used Win 98se or Win XP desktop with serial port.

Update I am currently using my Vellman K8055 USB interface board to hook up to the RESET, VCC, GND, SCK, MOSI, MISO serial connections of AVR microcontrollers and program them. This development is hopeful. I am going to further investigate the use of using the K8055 USB interface for serial communications. Next, I must check the .dll that my 8048 PIC programmer came with to see if through some adaptation I can use the K8055 .dll to send the same serial codes to my 8048 PIC programmer.

Sorry, USB to serial converters do not work with this item.

I am using a K8048 with PicProg2009 and one of these


Working fine !
Also these are available on e-bay much cheaper.

The K8048 does work with a usb to serial adapter in Linux following the next link:

synapticloop.com/blog/2010/08/pr … -mac-os-x/

However this link is mac-related, the installation of gputils and dev.kewl.org/k8048/k8048.tar.gz makes it possible to program (at least an PIC16F628A) PIC’s
After installing gputils and the steps 1, 2 and 3 up to the “TexEdit”-piece, the compiled k8048 programs have to be installed as root: “make install”
The TextEdit piece didn’t work for me because there was no .bash_-profile file in my home-directory so I made one with vi:

vi .bash_profile

and put
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/
in it.

Because my laptop doesn’t have a serial port, I deleted /dev/ttyS0 and softlinked my USB-port to the serial port (both as root):

rm /dev/ttyS0
ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyS0

This was to test wheather it was working.
Afterwards I copied the file ~/bin/k8048/Src/dotconf/K8048-ttyUSB0 to my home directory as .k8048

cp ~/bin/k8048/Src/dotconf/K8048-ttyUSB0 ~/.k8048

Now ttyUSB0 is always used by the program

Then I tried, from within the directory ~/.wine/drive_c/PicProg2009/Examples the commands:

k14 s PIC16F627 b


k14 s PIC16F627 b; gpasm -p p16f628A demo1.asm; k14 p demo1.hex

the first command worked, the second didn’t.

Then I compiled the demo1.asm with PicProg2009 (using wine) and found the demo1.hex file
again I tried, leaving out the compile stage:

k14 s PIC16F627 b; k14 p demo1.hex

and voila, it worked.
Note again: The HEX-file resides in ~/.wine/drive_c/PicProg2009/Examples/

To be sure I also tried the second demo which gave no problems as well.

In the meantime I tested the program on 16F627 and 16F628A and it works great

Hope this will help others a little bit to get the K8048 working with an USB-2-Serial-cable (which was a Prolilfic)

Berend van Assen