I need to make up a 9 pin to 9 pin lead for my old (really old!) compaq laptop which is the only PC I have with a serial port.
Unfortunately compaq being compaq they used a female sub d socket for rs232 on this laptop not a male.
None of the stores I have tried have a male to male 9way rs232 lead.
If I use the RS232 cable connections as detailed in the manual for the K8076 (and mentioned elsewhere as the same for the k8048) do I still just connect
3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 7-7, 8-8 and 9-9 ?
I do wish Velleman would make this pic programmer able to function with a usb to serial convertor though - it would be so much easier!
Thanks for your reply.
I am making up the lead now so we will see what happens.
Out of interest what are the reasons that USB-serial converters wont work with the 8048?
I use usb-serial adaptors to drive several old pieces of equipment and they all work perfectly.
Is the problem with the way the Velleman software addresses the serial port or with the way the electronics on the 8048 deal with the rs232 data lines?
Thanks again anyway.
PS: With a home made cable the thing now works perfectly thanks
I have a prolific usb to serial converter and it works just fine with windows 2000 on a hp machine. I have used it serveral times with my k8048 !!
However I understand why people may say it doesnt work as I also have a windows xp IBM machine on which the k4048 will not work at all — I have tried every thing — It also will not work on this machine when it is in the docking station which has a serial port. Many different modes of failure. Interestingly I can get it to say it sees the K4048 with both USB and docking station but both fall over when I go to program.
I have other serial devices that do work with the IBM+XP and same USB-serial converter. :shock:
any how, if any one knows how to solve this properly I would be very interested.