K8048 + picprog 2009 vs 2006


I bought a K8048 a few years ago and have always managed to use it successfully with picprog 2006 2 and 2.2. Unfortunately my computer needed a thorough clean out recently and during the process I lost the .exe files for picprog. The only ones that I found to download were the newer picprog 2009 however this never seems to recognise the chips in the programmer as being the ones I selected (gives error that the pic in the programmer does not match however I am very sure that it does!). This has been tried unsuccessfully with a range of supported pics (16f627, 16F267A, 16f630, 12F675). Is there either a fix for the 2009 version or preferably a download link for the 2006 version of this software?

Many thanks for your help,

Oh and also just to note - I do not use a USB to serial converter - I have heard many reports of these not working in similar ways and can rule out straight away that this is not my problem!

Ok sorry to have caused you problems but I found myself a partial solution - if I reduce the com speed to “slow” it seems to at least to recognise it is the correct chip in the socket, however I now get an error message writing to the pic - never seems to get past the read osccal byte stage… (I am using the demo2.asm provided with a pic 16F630).

Thanks again for your advice,

OK ! Maybe it’s a good tip for other users.