K8048 - PIC16F877 - Write error at: 0000


I have a K8048. It works perfectly with a PIC16F627, PIC16F627A, PIC16F84A. Now, I’ve bought a PIC16F877. I mounted it on a eurocard and connected every pin (ecxept the oscillator pins) to a screw connector. I connected the following pins to the ICSP connector of the K8048:


When i try to program the PIC, i alwas get an error. (I even used different programming software) The error of Picprog2 is:

Write error at: 0000
wrote: 2801
read: 3FFF

Picprog2006 could program the PIC once, but the program wasn’t in the PIC. When i read the PIC, it was still empty.

When i search the net, i see this is a verry common problem, but i can’t find the solution.

Could anywonne help me?

Should Timmie read this, I used your manual but it didn’t help

ICSP connections has to be as short as possible!! Not more than 3-5 cm. A scew connector is not suitable for these connections.

I cut the wires to 2 cm and i directly solderd them onto the connector of my PIC.

I bought a PS613 so that i have the perfect power supply.

Everything is set up the way it should, but…

It stil isn’t working!

  • I’m using WinPic

ProgPic2 says there isn’t any PIC on the board
PicProg2006 says that it is the wrong PIC