K8048 flashing


I used to flash PIC 16F84 with ICPROG.
Now I wish to use WinPic 800.
Unfortunatly this program does not recognize the PIC ( still 16F84).
I think that setup is not correct ( I use JDm programmer choice ).

Can you help me.

If this program works will it be able to flash 18F2550 ?

Thank you for your help.
Best regards

Dear sir,

I’m sorry but we can only give support if you are using our, included software ProgPIC or PICprog200x.
We do not support other software or tools.

PIC18 serie is not supported by K8048

Good morning Sir,

Thank you for your reply.
I built K8076 today.

Just for information, why another programmer does n’t work with your circuit ?
All those softs seem to look alike !!

Best regards