K8048: Assembler and Programmer SW on the download site


I did check on following “download” Velleman site for the most recent software available for the K8048.

I did found 2 files there:

  1. K8048_2_3_2.zip and
  2. K8048_update_2_6.zip.

To my surprise, the first one did contain “older” versions of both assembler (MPASMWIN.exe, V03.20.02) and programmer SW (Progpic2.exe, dated 25-8-2003) than the ones delivered with the actual K8048 kit (MPASMWIN.exe, V5.01 and Progpic2.exe, dated 23-11-2004).

The second one however contained indeed the “latest” (*) version of the programmer SW (23-11-2004).

(*) assuming the versions I got with the K8048 kit are indeed the latest.

So, in conclusion:
a. At least the “latest” version of the assembler can not be found on the website above
b. Two versions of the programmer SW can be found on the website (which is confusing)
c. The names of the .zip files on the website do not reflect very well their contents (a description is also missing) --> In which file to find e.g. the latest assembler?

I hope I was not looking at the wrong website to obtain the latest SW? If it was the correct website, is it still maintained?

The latest MPASM can be found on Microchip website :
Go to the MPLAB IDE section, and download the latest version. MPASM compiler is included in it.

You can then also use MPLAB’s IDE to write and test your programs before programming the PIC itself.

The programming software provided by Velleman can be used to program the PIC, based on the HEX file that you can obtain through the compilation from inside the MPLAB. It’s the easiest way to proceed, I think.

Thanks! :slight_smile: