K8048 16F627 not responding to switch inputs

I can not get 16F627 to respond to switch inputs on the board. I have set PORTA for input using TRISA =oxFF or TRISA = 0b11111111. I don’t read any bits of PORTA as 1 when I push any of the switches. What am I missing?

You should start with the sample program to make sure the board is assembled correctly.

Be sure that you access the TRIS register in bank 1.

I am programming using MikroC and xc8. I don’t know what bank the compiler uses. I hoped the compiler would use the correct bank, since the programs asks what device is being used. MikroC gives me an assembly code, hex code, a list and a log. Could you give me a hint as to where to find which bank is being used in those files?


In the assembly code, you can check in the init part if the banks are correctly set.