K8046 with PLC

I have build the K8046 kit in order to use it with my domotica PLC. This PLC uses +24V as digital inputs which seemed to be in accordance with the specs of the K8046.

However if I hook up the ‘common’ with the 24V and each of the signal lines to the digital inputs of the PLC, all signals are continuously high, regardless of keypresses.

Can I use the K8046 in an application like this and if so, how should I hook it up?

Thanks for the info.

This touch panel features open collector outputs i.e. they are either open or they switch to ground. By means of a pull-up resistor (e.g. 10K) to the +24VDC from each output, you can make them switch between +24VDC and GND (0VDC)

So, I have a question regarding this. My project uses the K8046 to switch remote relays to control lighting (portable system). I used the +V wire on the collector harness, but the relays don’t respond. In that case, can I run a +12VDC source wire directly out to the relays and have the board sink the current to control the relays?


That’s exactly what you need to do: supply the +V to the relays and let the board sink the current. Let’s hope you have not destroyed the open collector outputs by now.

I don’t think the outputs would be destroyed.:shock: There was only 0.5 VDC max when I did the measurements. I will make the change tomorrow (Tuesday) and see what happens. :?:

I did find the assembly manual a little confusing on this issue. While it provided some nice examples of connections to other kits, they all use the common pin in addition to the 8 collector pins. :? That was why I followed the examples. But when it didn’t work, I knew something wasn’t right.


To VEL417,

I did manage to test the +12VDC theory, running 12V out to the relays and using the K8046 to switch them. It works perfectly! No problems at all. Now I just have to build the other 3 remote modules, and I’m laughing!

And Thanks!