K8045 Software Problems

Hi I have brought and built the Velleman kit K8045, I have tested the kit and its 100% working but I am having problems with the Software Editor which allows the user to program the lcd text.

I have two pc’s one of which is running Windows XP service pack 3 and the other is running Windows 7. I have downloaded and installed the software on both computers but when opening the softaware both pcs show the same fault/error code.

When I try to lauch the software it comes up with a box on the screen with " Run-Time error 383 text property is read-only " the only option is to click OK then the box disapears but no editor opens, this happens on both computers.

If anybody knows what the problem is or has a fix then please let me know.

Many Thanks


This error maybe because you do not have a COM port on the machine or the COM port maybe to high.
If you are using a USB to serial port converter try setting the COM port down to 1 or 2.

Hope this helps

Hereby a link to a version of the soft which allows you to enter the port#…

Hi and many thanks for the info.

I have tried out the software with no com ports pre-programmed and this seems to have worked ok, I have been able to send info to the module and test each input for its operation.

I can’t seem to find a use for SW3 either the on board button or the wired plug!, can anyone tell me its use?.

