I’d appreciate an example of how to print to the K8045 LCD using some form of BASIC (I use Liberty Basic running in XP).
The unit is working well using the software provided (edit, text-2-RS232), but BASIC programs like the one below (or variations thereof) do not print anything:
OPEN “COM1:2400,N,8,1” for random as #1
print #1, “A”
Please note that you also need to send an ID (0…9) with each character, as multiple K8045 can be connected in parallel.
Use a terminal prog. (e.g. hyper terminal) to view the string generated by the K8045 soft, this will clearify the above…
OPEN “COM1:2400,N,8,1,ds0,cs0,rs” for random as #1
'Identity of the K8045
ID = 0
’ clear screen
print #1, “0”
call Pause 50
'print the message
string$ = “Had in de Velleman documentatie mogen staan.”
for i = 1 to len(string$)
print #1, ID;mid$(string$, i, 1)
call Pause 50
next i
close #1
sub Pause mil
while time$(“milliseconds”)<t+mil
end sub