I recently bought a pair of K8040 monoblock kits to upgrade my current audio system.
However, during the assembling process I discovered some issues which are a rather unpleasant surprise (in technical jargon: show stoppers…):
-The footprint of SK5 and SK6 (attached to each other) is allot smaller on the PCB compared to the actual component size. I’m talking about a difference of more than 10mm, there is no room to improvise with the supplied component.
-Coil L1 (8 turns on an 8mm drill) cannot be turned to it’s desired value, since the amount of supplied wire is not enough for even 7 turns on a 7mm drill (I did not had a 8mm drill in stock, the idea was to roll the coil with half an extra turn and then shape it to a 8mm diameter). I would be happy to “snip off the remaining copper” like the manual suggests, but it may be obvious that I don’t have the luxery of sufficient wire.
Pictures of both issues can be send on request.
Kind regards,