K8040 component size issues


I recently bought a pair of K8040 monoblock kits to upgrade my current audio system.

However, during the assembling process I discovered some issues which are a rather unpleasant surprise (in technical jargon: show stoppers…):

-The footprint of SK5 and SK6 (attached to each other) is allot smaller on the PCB compared to the actual component size. I’m talking about a difference of more than 10mm, there is no room to improvise with the supplied component.

-Coil L1 (8 turns on an 8mm drill) cannot be turned to it’s desired value, since the amount of supplied wire is not enough for even 7 turns on a 7mm drill (I did not had a 8mm drill in stock, the idea was to roll the coil with half an extra turn and then shape it to a 8mm diameter). I would be happy to “snip off the remaining copper” like the manual suggests, but it may be obvious that I don’t have the luxery of sufficient wire.

Pictures of both issues can be send on request.

Kind regards,


We have not received any similar complaints yet. Please use the support form on our website to supply us your address. We’d be happy to send some spare connectors and winding wire. Do you have the same problem with both amps?

edited by VEL448: added link to support form

I’ve checked the contents of the second amplifier kit, both the connector and the coil wire have the same dimensions compared to the first kit.

I will fill out the support form after I have finished both amplifiers, in order to make sure the other components fit (this might take a few weeks, depending on my spare time :slight_smile:

Thank you for your support,


The replacement components with the correct dimensions have been received within 2 weeks after the initial post.

Both amplifiers have been finished (it took me some time due to other projects), the sound is impressive 8)

Thank you very much for your support!