I have finished assemble the component onto the board and it was tested successfully. Now i would like to know how the overall system works( e.g components and ic). it will really help me if you could provide it. looking forward for the reply. thanks
Sorry, no circuit descriptions.
You can look-up the datasheet of the IC, it will give you all available info regarding this device. The kit is an application note of this device.
Do you know any website that provide the IC datasheet of kit K8030?
ISD is now from Winbond
what is the function of pin A0-A7? does XCLK funtion used in the circuit?
A0-A7 --> external addressable pointer (startpoint) of message in the memory.
XCLK --> External clock (not used in 8030)
can u explain more on the A0-A7?
Please understand that we need to limit our support to helping out people who experience troubles with the operation of our projects. Explaining circuit operation and device features is not one of the goals of our support dept. Maybe other people on this forum can help.