i am using die k8028 with function: slow on for years. Recently the 60 W lightbulb burnt. After replacing the bulb the kit runs self check and LED 4 (green) burns - no errors.
When I activate the kit LED 5 (red) signals operation, but the bulb stays dark (for houres). Instead LED 1 (red) and LED 2 (yellow) starts immediately to flash in intervals of 6 flashes.
Remark: LED 2 (yellow) seems ton be very dimm - don´t know if this was originally like this.
thanks a lot Wrong_Way. Problem solved. Having recieved your sugestion I uninstalled the K8028 board and installed meanwhile a simple on/off switch. Done so the bulb did not work! I checked the lamp socket and a pin was burnt/broken. Replaced dei lamp socket and k8028 is working.
So as addition to the k8028 manual: After completing the self check succesful (LED 4 (green) burns) the kit is started but no load is detected the LED´s according to the slected program start to flash. If so check the load!