K8019 protocol use

I have a question about the k8019:

how can i communicate with my own program (I want to do it on Linux (Raspberry Pi 2B))?
I have read the pdf about the “Protocol”, but the information is a little bit too short for me.
I am not sure at the moment wether I shold use I2C, SPI or even the USB?

Can someone give mie a clue about how i could start?


The K8019 is an USB CDC device, which should show up on the Raspberry Pi as /dev/ttyACM0. This device should be treated like a serial port.

Baud rate: 19200
Number of parity bits: 0
Number of stop bits: 1
Number of data bits: 8

It does not use flow control.

The rest of the information depends on which programming language you’ll be using.

can you please post same application examples for c++? i am total beginer and would love to create or have some protocol application? how could i write it?

best regards, trost

For this particular kit, due to the programming difficulty involved, we only provide the protocol without source code.

O comon, please upload some beginner tutorial for programming k8019 or some writen examples and instructions. Community will be grateful.

We would need to write you a library, and this is not something that is planned at this time.