K8018B 5 x 5 Led Cube Power Supply?

Missing K8018B parts??
Purchased K8018B 3D Led Cube 5x5x5. Under Features, a 9VDC Regulated Power Supply is listed, but no such Power Supply came with the kit. Also, listed is the fact that it is user programmable via USB (just download the software), but no USB cable came with the kit. None of these were mentioned as items you would need to complete the kit nor were their specifications given. Is this an error or are these items are just missing. It would be disappointing after spending over $90 to not have these CRITICAL parts - without them the kit is useless!

Sorry, a USB cable and power supply are not included in the kit.
This is done to keep the cost down. Most hobbyists have a USB cable and a spare adaptor in their junk box, so they don’t have to pay for something they do not need. If not, your distributor can supply there items.

Don’t you think it is VERY MISLEADING to list as a FEATURE a Regulated 9VDC Power Supply and then not supply one. See your file: illustrated_Assembly_Manual_k8018.pdf.

• LEDs: 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 LEDs
• user programmable via USB (creation of animation/scenes)
• large amount of user programmable frames
• frames are separately dimmable
• 4 transition speeds
• available frames: 3200
• 5 levels LED dimming available
• no coding skills required
• regulated power supply: 9VDC

You list 125 LEDs as a Feature and I received those! I think you must agree, your documentation is very misleading. What’s worse is the fact that you don’t even state that a USB cable & Power Adapter are NOT provided, but are required to complete this kit (you could at least provide specifications for each). I made my purchase based on your documentation. Obviously that was a mistake on my part, since in this case your documentation was very misleading.

Thank you for your feedback.
In no way we have the intention to misleade our customers. Misleaded customers don’t come back, so that it definitely something we do not want.
Although we did not receive any complaints on this issue, while this is a very popular kit, we will adapt the specs so that they cannot generate confusion.

I see how a lot of Velleman customers would have USB cables and power supplies on hand. I had 4 12 Volt supplies and a few 6 Volt supplies. BUT, I didn’t have a 9 Volt supply.

I didn’t see, in the literature, where the external power was required. I had the USB cable and was able to get the Red LED to illuminate. But, of course, the rest of the light cube isn’t working.

This is a pretty advanced kit. I liked the directions. But, I think Velleman could have helped me a little more if there was an obvious notice: “USB cable and external 9 Volt power not included”

I’d have paid another $10.00, or maybe $15, to avoid the hassle of the searches through websites and groups to know my LED cube isn’t LED powered.

There are a lot of places I could have made errors. So, It would help to know the power supply isn’t one of them.

I really like Velleman’s kits. I assemble a lot of them as holiday gifts. I’m hoping Velleman can include the power supply or just point buyers to a part number for the supply. Either would be fine for me.

Once I know if this first 5x5x5 works, I’m likely to build a few more… as gifts. Please make this easier!

I don’t know the specifications for the power supply. It’s 9 Volts, but I don’t know The current specification, or the power connector specifications. What size and polarity is the Connector?

This is listed as an accessory:


Seems like a good choice, because you would be able to reuse it for other stuff. Price is around 10€ on the internet…