I have a 12v (camper van) application in which I want a switch to activate the radio for a period (e.g. 30mins) and then switch off (sleep timer).#
I think this module can do it, but I am trying to figure a way so that the timer module itself is disconnected from the battery (a) when not in use and (b) after the sleep time has elapsed.
I can achieve (b) by powering the module through its own relay - when it turns of the radio, it turns off itself.
I am less certain about the turning on part, as I cannot tell the start-up behaviour of the module from the datasheet.
My idea is to power up the module only when the pushbutton is pressed to start the timer. Will this work? If the pushbutton is ‘on’ already when power is applied, will it still be recognised as a press of the pushbutton?operate as normal? (My idea won’t work if the module require to be powered up and settled before the pushbutton is pressed for the first time.)
It may depend on the mode, of course. modes “Start/stop timer” and “interruptible dual-time staircase timer” seem most interesting.
Hope that makes sense. i can send a diagram if necessary!
John Gray