Hi there!
I’m a beginner to this with level 5 kits,but find it’s a challenge to built kits in this level.
Now to my question:
I have serch info about the pin header sk1 on k8005,what’s should connect’s
to this place?
Yes,i have newly built the k8000 interface card and allready built earlier an k8005.
but now i curious what this pin header have for connectings potential?
And my finally question,Where can i find an microcontroller kit i can connect to k8000
and control k8005 with k8000 stand alone,witout a computer connect?
And i have no experience in programming on the whole.
This with programming will i start with when i have parts enougth to built an robot with.
And i can think that visual basic or plc can be something for an beginner like me.
Please,give me some advise about this.
Hi again!
Finally i have tested my 2 k8005 stepper motor card,and now i know how it’s men’t how i can use the
sk1 connection on this card,I use an cable with 10 wire,to connect the card to ech other…
But i’m not so god to this with programming,so i havent could testrun my stepper motors with any software yet.
Yes,i have connect the K8005 to a K8000-card with gnd-scl-sda connection,but i’m confused how it’s men’t when i
can read on vellemans site,that the stepper motor card can be run true k8000…
I should be thankful for any advice to how i can proceed with this fine cards.
I’m think even that i should try drive this two k8005 card with an arduino board or an simply plc.