The DCin Control Voltage or Vref and potentiometer is designed to increase the output similiar to the increased Control Voltage.
Now I have a controller module, which is “inverted”, higher R / lower Vref should increase the output.
I read about the IC SG3525, it has an “inverted input” at pin 1 (which is orig. connected to pin 9 in this pcb), and the “noninv. input” at pin 2, which seems to be used for the Control Voltage.
In my case, could it be correct to switch pin 1 (to be connected to pin 9) and pin 2 as the Control Voltage input, so a lower Control Voltage means a higher output? Or do I need more modifications?
I would love to use the control box without modifications (it’s a designed box, with a build-in on-off-switch, which I can not easily change).
Thank you in advance!