K8004 and EMC

I have a K8004 kit who runs well for driving a DC motor.
When I power the module over my PSU with manual adjustable current limiting with optical indicator, even with the potentiometer turned at full (no current limiting), the optical indicator is lighting up when I power up the K8004 lit.
I have an serial RC circuit between The Vref and Gnd, and on the upper side of the condenser the I have a connection to In, so that I have a soft start of my DC motor.
During this soft start “process” the optical indicator of the current limiting circuit of my power supply is light up.
So I guess that some EMC signal is injected in the power supply.
As I intend to install the kit and DC motor on my bike, who has a electronic fuel injection, I would like to avoid EMC injection in the electrical circuit of the bike.
I have already tried placing an 10nf over the motor but no change, even a ferrite didn’t change something.
What can I do more ?

Do not worry.
It is just your power supply that is not happy because the load is not lineair but PWM.

What can I do in order to avoid this ?
Because I’m still thinking on installing the circuit on my bike !

What would be the best position for the RV3 pot (Freq), in order to not “[color=#4040BF]harm[/color]” the DC-motor with permanent magnets ?

Thx for your replay.

Buy a better power supply :slight_smile:
No, serious, on your bicycle, you will most likely run it from a battery, so it will not be a problem.
Regarding the frequency, it is not a real problem either. Just adjust it so that the motor runs smoothly at all speeds.