K8000 and visual basic express edition 2005


I have a K8000 that works perfect with VB6.
It also works with upgraded vb6 code.

Now I want to write an application for Vb2005, but the K8D.dll seems not to be loaded. The K8E.exe does not appear in the task manager.
Does the K8000 can function with vb 2005 and if so, what is the code to start Start_K8000 ?
Can it be loaded-started with a windows application, or is a console application needed?
I prefer a windows application.
Can someone give me a code to load the dll.


You may first try to put the K8E.exe and K8D.dll to the bin subfolder of your VB2005 project.

You may also download my VB2005 project from:

The code starts K8000, selects LPT port and generates all the indexed controls first.
This is done because the array of controls is missing from the VB2005.

This is not a complete demo. There are only the LPT port selection radio buttons and two other buttons operating.
TrackBar1 is operating too, I think.

Thx for the code.
It seems that the kit cannot be controlled by vb 2005.
No problem I can use this form.


Does anyone have input signals ready to work with k8000 @ vb2010 ?