K6501 Telephone remote switch burned off

I used the P6501’1 Telephone remote switch to switch the heating in my house before comming home after bussines trips.
It worked correctly for the last 3 months.

This weekend I got home, the house was heated up to 37 degrees! The leds at ‘out 3’ and ‘out 4’ burned weakly, the led ‘Input’ was melted (!) away…
I opened the box and can see how T7 is cracked.

I’m seriously concerned. What could have happened here?
Can I trust this kit?
Are Velleman kits suitable for unattended operation?
The kit was builded neatly, a fuse was used (not blown!)

Any hints what to do?

Arno (+31 651183662)

hi Arno,
I would not trust this kit in its current position with the heating of your home, however it sounds to me like something outside the kit. I recently had a power surge which messed up some things plugged into the phone line, so a spike or surge might be the cause especially as T7 is near the telephone socket. (was there any power/phone problems?)

Otherwise I would check:
A) the power supply to the kit and if it still works,
B)any damage on the circuit board(are there burn marks or something near any connectors etc) This might help you identify the problem.

sorry to hear it didnt work,
best wishes,

This kit is perfectly reliable, if correctly built and used.
Conditions beyond normal (such as lightning strikes or power surges) can destroy electronic devices.
Never operate a heating device without a thermostat in series !
If necessary, you can return the kit for inspection/repair.

I have the same problem with K6501.
Red LED (LINE) was burned, and T7and R33 is destroyed.
I am in Croatia. I changed some elements (R33,D1-14,ZD1,ZD2,ZD4,ZD5, C4-C9,Red LED,T1-T6).
Operate with SW1 its works, but when I call the kit is answer but I can not input anything and not hear enything.
Sorry about poor english.