
I have just made up the k6002 with k6001 kit. I connect my power supply 12vDC to the k6001 and 9vAC to the k6002 and i get the fail message.

No matter what i try to do from this point on, the fail message will not change.

The k6001 is connected and so in the sensor within it. the polarity is correct and to the best of my abillities i belive the connections are all correct.

I there any way to discern which part of the setup is at fault?


If the K6002 doesn’t recieve correct information from the K6001 sensor, it will display a ‘fail’ message. Check the K6001 assembly and connection. Check if you receive a PWM signal at the opto-coupler secundary of the K6002.

should have mailed this ages ago.

It was the sensor modual at fault, as soon as the controller recieved a signal it started to function normally
