K6002 fail

Hello Velleman,

I’ve assembled my K6002 and K6001 and powered them according to the manuals.
6002 gives me the FAIL-message, whatever I do.

I’ve checked all the connections between PCB’s and all parts seem to be mounted correctly.
However, in the 6001-kit, the R2-resistor was not coded 15K (1-5-0-2-1), but 1-8-0-3-1 or 1-8-0-2-1 (can’t distinguish well between orange and red). Could this be the problem?

On the 6002, I’m not sure how to mount the 4 LED’s (flat side on the line or round side on the line). I’ve tried both positions but without result.

What could be the problem?

  • Be sure that you are using an AC power supply for the controller part.

  • The sensor PCB must be working and connected correctly otherwise also “FAIL” appeirs.

Hello Velleman,

Thank you,

I have an AC powersupply on the controler and a DC powersupply on the sensor-module.

Don’t you think the “irregular” R2-resistor on the sensorPCB could be the problem?
I’ve checked the output of the sensor and it gives 3 different readings every half second or so. Changing the temperature on the sensor doesn’t seem to have any effect. The interval stays the same and the values too.

Buy a new sensor-module? :frowning:

Kind regards, Roan

Very difficult to say what the problem could be.
No, just send the kit to us (via your dealer), i’m sure we find a solution !