K5002 / K8024 with dimmable LED lamps

Dear Support,
I’ve been using a mix of K5002 & K8024 dimmers behind your 15 channels emitter/receiver.
It works perfectly since many years with halogen lamps.
Now, I want to change all those old halogen bulbs by LED lamps. I’ve connected a dimmable LED lamp but the LED vary between 50 & 100% of its lighting capacity.
Impossible to dim lower then 50% and impossible to switch off (same problem on both dimmers K8024 & K5002) !
Do you hav a solution ?
Many thanks for your help !
Jean-François 0497/449434

We’re afraid that dimming led lamps is not straightforward, even if the lamps claim that they are dimmable.
Being dimmable does not always mean that they are dimmable from 0 to 100%.
The switch-off problem is probably related to the snubber cap C5 in the K8024.
Since led lamps use very low currents compared to halogen bulbs, the small current passed by the snubber is probably enough to light the lamp.
You could remove the snubber, but then it is possible that the dimmer behaves eratically.
Sorry, at this time we do not carry a dedicated led dimmer, since we have noticed that different led-lamps from different manufacturers behave differently.