
Can anybody help me wit my K4040 kit ? I have problems with the supply transformer : the colours indicated in the assembly manual do not coresspond with the colours on the PCB. I tried something but I have troublesooting. I can’t go on with the project until someone helps me. Thank you.

Can you provide more details?
What colours do you have?

[quote=“VEL417”]Can you provide more details?
What colours do you have?[/quote]

In the assembly manual, p.18, they say pink, brown, black, yellow, blue, orange, red and on the PCB we have violet, orange, blue, brown, black, yellow, yellow, red, red.
I tried to connect purple to violet and I managed to connect the other colours. I connected the system to the mains and the red LED at the front did not light up. I understand there is a 12v transformer which should deliver 12v… Can you explain me how I can make tests or should I send you my PCB, or just photos to begin with ?
Thank you for your help.

Did you measure the different voltages on the board.
Are there any voltages present?
Is the turn-on delay circuit working?

[quote=“VEL417”]Did you measure the different voltages on the board.
Are there any voltages present?
Is the turn-on delay circuit working?[/quote]

The turn-on delay circuit isn’t working, but there are voltages present :
Mains : 231 vac
between mains and violet wire of the second transformer : 41 vac
at the 15 ohms 15 w resistors : 41 vac
gray and green wires : 0 v
at the first transformer : 25 vac
at the VDC 415 check : 231 vac
Can you tell me where I must check ? (I understand there is perhaps a problem at the level of the first transformer, just after it) Perhaps you could send me a plan of the points where I should check (using the PCB plan of page 27)

Sorry, no plans with points to check.
Most likely, there is an assembly problem in the turn-on section.
Check transistors for type, check solderings, check resistor values.