K4040 small inputPCB P4040i


I bought a k4040 kit about two weeks ago and start to assemble it. But now, 2 have tow questions.
In the schematics of the right an left channel, I can see that the input signal of both channels go trough capacitors, (C1 47nF, left channel, C2 100pF, right channel).

Here are my questions:

  1. Why the caps have different values?
  2. The assembly manual on page 5 says, that only one Cap (C1 47nF) should mountet, it says nothing about a second cap but on the small circuit board is a place for a second cap, too.

Is that a mistake in the manual, or should I go on with one cap.

Best regards,

Please note that C1 and C2 are not input caps, but they connect the GND to the chassis.
The values are correct.
There is no mistake in the manual, the second cap does not need to be mounted.
The space is provided, just-in-case, but it proved not necessary.

Ok, thank you ver much for your advice.