K4005'3 High voltage on output


I have mounted an K4005 amplifier. But I have +34 V on both cannels output.

The signal input on TDA is 0 V, and the - input is 33.4 Volt…

It looks like the IC dont regulate the output… When I measure the pins on IC everything looks OK to me… Tried to chance the IC, but the same fault…

I have not tried with speakers connected… The manual says I should not turn on without output connections, but I dont dare to connect speakers now…

Any solutions on this??


Hans P.

Check output transistors, it is very likely that one or more have failed. Ensure proper insulation of the output transistors. Check power supply. Make sure it is up to spec and beware of interruptions of either power rail.

The transistors are isolated, and on right place. I measure them correct, and it seems they are OK. If i remove the IC, the voltage on output is 0V, and the voltage on IC’s inputs are 0V… I have used overcurrent protection all time, so i have not feed the amp. with high current… (It consum only 200mA or so without speakers and signal input…)
