K3507 Is this MSW or not?

Hi all, I have a K3507 inverter which I built a long while back from a kit. It has done sterling service except that it sometimes won’t start when cold. I hold a lighter flame up to the fan for a couple of seconds and it starts but that is incidental.

I used to take it with me camping a few years back and I don’t think it was coincidence that the mobile phone chargers burnt out on the inverter. I am pretty sure though that the chargers had transformers in them.

I will be going camping again after a long break and what I need to know is whether the inverter is modified sine wave or true sine wave. Is it going to damage my Iphone charger or a modern flat screen tv?

Finally is there now a more powerful kit build model of this inverter that I can buy?

Thank you for your help.


The inverter is a modified sine wave inverter.
In those days, there were no sine wave inverters or they were really really expensive.
Personally, I would not recommend using this device with modern switch mode power supplies.
At this time, we do not carry a similar kit, due to the fact that sine wave inverters are now cheap and common available.

A pure sinewave inverter is not very cheap, not even these days. I checked and I see that Velleman has removed them from the products?

You’re right, Laserguy, apparantly they have deleted these items.