K2636 motor speed controller

Hi I am new to forum so sorry if I am in wrong place. I have assembled this kit but am getting odd outputs which I’d really appreciate some help with please.

With no load I get 275V dc on the load terminals with rv2 and rv1 set to minimum. With both set to maximum I get 265v. With rv2 on Min and rv1on max I get 265v and 275v the other way round. mains and vac terminals show 238.3ac. the load output is not sufficient to light a 60 watt traditional light bulb so I assume current is v low.
I’ve checked carefully for solder bridges, dry joints etc and there might be an issue at R1 due to me damaging the copper trace on the PCB but I think I have overcome it by tagging a jumper wire to R1 and soldering it direct to D2. The led lights when connected to the mains. Any help or testing I can do of components please? I have an old fluke 77 meter but not sure how to do current measurement yet.

Photos here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1NxF5RjbO1vjhQkD5OR2Xqbs2q2ul_ia6

Jim uk