K2634 triac problem, please help


I have the K2634 Triac Card, and it’s great. The problem is that if there is nothing on the input, the output light is at about half brightness and flashing really quickly. If I turn on the input it goes to full brightness. I replaced the 9V power suply, and that meant that the light was now always on, regardless of the inputs.

[color=#0040BF]Does anyone know why this is not working?[/color]

Any help is appreciated.

Thankyou in advance,

Can you post your connection diagram, maybe this will shed a light on the problem you experience.

thanks for your reply,

velleman.be/downloads/0/illu … _k2634.pdf
Page 9 of the manual - it is exactly as it is in the instructions. I have checked components and values etc. All seems to be good…


I tried a different power supply, and a different 9V battery to connect the inputs and it now works… :smiley: