K2634 Quad Triac card - Triacs dying

I bought this card a couple of weeks ago. I am running 2x AC adaptors (both 230V approx. 100mA) and 1x 230V light bulb (40W) from it on the output side.
From the very beginning 1 Triac was not working. The ouput of this Triac gives always full AC voltage (230V with control current on/off). Well, as I only need 3 outputs it did not bother me.
1 week ago I found out (alarmed by some AC adaptor noise) that another Triac has died (now providing 120V with control current off, 230V with control current on). I got angry about the lousy Triacs implemented.
Today the same story with the 230V bulb (40W) - Triac now providing 120V with control current off, 230V with control current on.
So 3 Triacs died after few weeks rare operation. Why that? Is there a kown card problem? Please let me know what to do. Triac replacement? or using the Relais card instead?

This card is not suited to control inductive loads, such as AC adaptors.
A relay is better suited for such purposes.

[quote=“VEL417”]This card is not suited to control inductive loads, such as AC adaptors.
A relay is better suited for such purposes.[/quote]

What loads can be run then? is an electronic energy saving light possible? can I run a desktop computer as load from it?

Due to the simplicity of this card (no zero-cross switching and no snubber network), it is suited for resistive loads only (e.g. ordinary lightbulbs). Other application might seem to work, but long-term reliability cannot be guaranteed. Anyway, to turn on/off a PC, you definately need a relay.