K2633 wiring question

I am achieving the quad relay card kit (K2633).
i am wondering if I must connect the 4 RX resistors .
I found nothink in the documentation .
I seems to be optonnal .
Please I what case do one put this resistors ?
may be a stupid question ??
many thanks

Please check the partlist on page 5 item 2.
It mentions the value of the Rx resistors (820 ohm)
These resistors are supplied with the kit.

ok , but that is not my question
In the wiring docs it is stated that these resistors RX are optionnal
and may be replaces by straps .
So again - read carefully my former post :
In, what case put the straps ? / in what case put the RX ?
Because there is nothing abt it in the litterature.

We have checked the manual carefully, but nowhere it is mentioned that these resistors can be replaced by wirejumpers. Furthermore, if you would replace them by jumpers, then you would destroy the transistor and the led, as the current would not be limited by a series resistor.