K2633 - modification to use with 12v supply and input

:?: Please can you advise what changes you recommend for running this kit on 12v instead of 9v.

Can I just replace R1, R2, R3 & R4 with 100ohm resistors, or do I need to modify R5, R6, R7 and R8 as well.


R1…R4 = 150 ohm would be a better value for 12VDC operation
For best results, chance R5…R8 to e.g. 1K


The topic of the thread is …12V supply and input.
I would also use the K2633 with a 12V supply and switch the relays with 12V at the input pins IN1…IN4. Is a resistor Rx required? Which maximum voltage is possible at the pins IN1…IN4 without any modification?

Kind regards

Rx is always required.
Please note that the relays are energized when the input is tied to ground (see K2633 diagram).
Max. input unmodified: 9VDC

I successfully modified this board to 12v operation by modding R1…R4 to 150 ohm and R5…R8 1K

I don’t recall the value I used for Rx, But for sure you can’t omit it. What is your input?