K2625 Doesn't work

Just bought the kit and when I input 12v from my PC’s power supply, I don’t get any reading off the displays. There is voltage to the regulator, 8v, but when I test the RV1, there’s no voltage.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I also burned my finger touching the displays chips…

Definately an assembly problem. The IC’s should not get that hot.
Check for shorts, wrong values, part orientation etc…

Soldering has been checked, parts also, and the heat problem was because I didn’t push the IC’s in all the way. But the problem is still there.

IC’s that have been too hot to touch are usually defective, it is wise to replace them.

OMG! I soldered the ribbon cable the wrong way… :confused: Will be redoing that tonight :frowning:

Doh I’m an idiot!

Ok, so it now displays something, that something being “01”

…I don’t know anymore…

It’s always difficult in the begin.
Trought mail is always difficult to give a diagnose or solution, maybe an IC is damaged because of the wrong mounted cable ? You can always return the kit if you want via your dealer.

Yeah, but id like to test it first.

I really don’t understand where to connect it either, to the car that is.

Make sure kit functions OK before moving on to final mounting in a car.
Replace IC’s, they are quite cheap. Check all solderings and PCB tracks.
Perform calibration as described in manual.
Connection is also described in manual. Unit needs positive 12V pulses (e.g. from primary side of ignition coil). Seek local help if you lack experience.