
I just purchased a K8055 and I noticed at the end of my build that one of the pins on IC 1 was missing. I found it in the box and was able to re install it. But how can I be sure all is working correctly. Is there a test that I can do to make sure all the pins are reading correctly and that the IC will function normally when I try to program it. I am still having trouble connecting because I am on a Windows 8.1 64 bit desktop. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You in advance.

You can first run the K8055_Demo.exe and check the analog inputs work OK.
Keep the jumpers SK2 and ASK3 placed and adjust RV1 and RV2 to see the analog input response.

I followed your instructions and everything seems to be working. All inputs, outputs, pots respond and all the lights light up. is there any other tests I should run? Thank You for your assistance.

I have one more issue, both demo programs work perfectly, but I can’t get of the examples to run, mostly because some sort of .DLL file is missing. On the Excel example it seems to need reprogramming for 64 bit OS. Any help would be appreciated.

Please see this thread for a solution: