Jumps in x axil

When printing Jumps occurrs on the x axis. I have adjusted motors to 0.55V. I have checked the belt tension and the jumps still appearing. Any ideas?

I Attached some pictures.
dropbox.com/s/suokat1xm5fiz … 1.JPG?dl=0
dropbox.com/s/akk4y14emtsew … 2.JPG?dl=0
dropbox.com/s/mr5543c0qjob0 … 3.JPG?dl=0

Try reducing the "speed for non-print moves"in the slicer. During long displacements at high speed along the X-axis, the belt can skip a tooth or two and cause the shift. It is even more likely if the pulley is bored a bit off center.

better reduce maximum jerk instead speed, cause it’s te jerk (suddenly direction changes) theat causes the belts to skip over.

Check the screw that holds the pulley on motor.
Make sure it’s tight and not slipping

[quote=“Wrong Way”]Check the screw that holds the pulley on motor.
Make sure it’s tight and not slipping[/quote]

good point!

Also check the bearing at the other end of the belt to make sure it turns freely.

I had the same problem with some models. I could not figure out what was wrong. I have switched to Cura software now and have not had a single jump since.
An extra advantage is that the slicer in Cura is much faster and the print quality is much better that I ever had with Repetier.