Issue with Tuya IOT Interface WPI354


I have some issue to connect Tuya WPI354 IOT interface to Adruino Nano.
I had download nessecary Tuya-Wifi-MCU-SDK (Version 0.0.1), instalt it. Compile “Start” example and download to Adruino Nano without any issues. After power up Tuya module and Adrunino seams to work properly, while is sending on regular bais a kind of “Standby Status” on the COM port. If I connect PIN 7 (1s) to ground, Wifi initialisation routing seams to be startet (on COM Port I can seen differen sequence to be send out), but on Tuya module nothing is happend and on Tuya App I couln’t find any Wifi device.
My quastion, is those Tuya module WPI354 just flashed with default firmware and is ready to use (means sould be just inizailized by Arduino serial sequenz) or some new firmware should be download to guaranty proper funcionallity? (attached I send a picture of my COM output; red marked initailisation sequenz by connecting Port7 of Arduino).